Build framework

Kore provides a flexible way of building your applications through the conf/build.conf file.

This file contains build flavors that dictate CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.

Flavors can be switched using the flavor command:

$ kodev flavor osx
changed build flavor to: osx


Kore will automatically build any source files found under the src directory in your application.


By default the build tool will automatically convert files found under assets into C files and compile them into your code allowing you to access these directly.

Each asset gets its own page handler as well that can be easily added to the configuration, reducing the work you have to do to configure static assets. Additionally the assets also get an ETag that is automatically included in the response and Kore will honor if-none-match for these assets and send a 304 if they were not modified.

The example below configures / to serve the static asset index.html.

domain * {
    static    /    asset_serve_index_html

You may specify media types for these static assets in conf/build.conf.

mime_add=css:text/css; charset=utf-8
mime_add=html:text/html; charset=utf-8

Single binaries

Kore will normally produce a single dynamic library (DSO) file that contains your application logic. This DSO file is then loaded at run-time by the main Kore binary as instructed by your configuration file.

If DSO's are not your cup-o-tea you can opt for building a single binary instead. This requires you to update your conf/build.conf file and add the following settings globally:

single_binary = yes
kore_source = /path/to/kore/source/
kore_flavor = <flavors..>

This will cause kore build to build the original Kore source code and link your application logic directly into it. It will also add in the configuration file and of course any assets that are under the assets directory. The result is a single dynamically linked binary that can be run.

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